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Health Savings Account

Allow us to introduce you to Avidia Health.

Benefits of HSAs through Avidia Health

  • Your contributions are made pre-tax or on a tax-deductible basis
  • The money you save can be used for eligible medical expenses
  • The interest you earn is tax-free
  • Your money rolls over year after year and stays with you even if you change jobs or health plans
  • The free Avidia Health app lets you use and monitor your HSA from anywhere
  • No initial deposit required
  • Zero monthly maintenance fees
  • Available in all 50 states

What, exactly, is Avidia Health?

Avidia Character sitting at a table holding a laptop

What, exactly, is Avidia Health?

Avidia Health is part of the Avidia team, but these folks’ sole focus is helping people and businesses manage and monitor their health savings accounts.

Why else should I open an HSA?

Oliver Waving

Why else should I open an HSA?

Health savings accounts are easy to open, easy to use and easy to maintain. It doesn’t matter if your employer offers an HSA or if you’re self-employed. Anyone can open an HSA with us. For free. In a matter of minutes.