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Looking to Maximize Your Business Cash Flow? Put Avidia BusinessManager® on the job.

In business, cash flow is king. Yet for many companies, waiting 30, 60, or even 90 days to collect customer payments can make meeting operational expenses or taking advantage of growth opportunities a huge challenge.   


As a bank committed to helping support businesses, Avidia just so happens to have a solution: BusinessManager. 


What exactly is BusinessManager? 

It’s an innovative, web-based financing program that can help businesses turn their accounts receivable assets into cash within 24 hours, freeing them to use that cash flow to: 


  • Purchase inventory or hire staff to grow. 
  • Take on larger clients. 
  • Offer customers more flexible terms to be more competitive 
  • Meet ongoing operational expenses, including payroll.  
  • Take advantage of vendor discounts to save money. 
  • Pay down debt. 


How BusinessManager works: 

  1. Enroll. When you enroll, Avidia purchases your accounts receivables upfront and on an ongoing basis at a discount.  
  1. Collect. Funds are deposited into your account, which gives you the positive cash flow you need to manage your business and grow.  
  1. Track. You use our online tools to review detailed management reports on aged receivables, customer balances, credit applications, and more. 

Advantages of using BusinessManager  


  • You won’t have to worry about maximizing your borrowing ability as you would with a working capital line of credit.  
  • There’s no maximum amount you can borrow as is with a line of credit.  
  • Having access to a constant stream of cash helps you leverage relationships with suppliers to negotiate more favorable discounts/pricing.  
  • You can offer your customers longer or more favorable terms for payment, since you’ll collect payments in 24 hours.  




Discover what you could do if you got paid sooner! 

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